Debian (/ˈdɛbiən/) is a Unix-like computer operating system and a Linux distribution.. The default desktop environment of version 7.0 Wheezy was temporarily ..
May 5, 2013.. After two years of waiting, Debian Linux, one of the most important core Linux distributions, has a new release: Wheezy.
May 28, 2013.. Debian Linux 7.0 Wheezy: Hands on. Summary:I've been experimenting with installing the new Debian release across a number of devices ..
News and feature lists of Linux and BSD distributions. 2013-05-05: Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 • 2011-02-06: Distribution Release: Debian ..
Distribution: 0Linux 2XOS 4MLinux 64 Studio Absolute AbulÉdu Adamantix ADIOS AgiliaLinux AGNULA Aleader Alinex aLinux AliXe Alpine ALT Amarok Live Amber Android-x86 Ankur Bangla Annvix AnNyung Anonym.OS ANTEMIUM Antergos antiX Antomic APODIO aptosid Arabbix Arabian Arch ArchBang ArcheOS Archie Ares AriOS Ark ArtistX Arudius AsianLinux Asianux ASLinux ASPLinux AsteriskNOW Asturix Athene ATmission Atomix Augustux Aurora Aurora SPARC Aurox AUSTRUMI AV Linux B2D BackBox Baltix Bardinux Bayanihan BeaFanatIX BeakOS BearOps BeatrIX Bee Beehive BEERnix BeleniX Berry Biadix Bicom BigLinux BinToo BioBrew Bioknoppix Bio-Linux BlackArch Black Lab blackPanther BlackRhino BLAG BlankOn Blin Blue Blue Point Bluewall Bluewhite Bodhi Bonzai BOSS Boten Bridge BRLix BrlSpeak BSDanywhere Buffalo BU Linux Burapha BYO ByzantineOS CAELinux CAINE Caixa Mágica Calculate Canaima Caos Càtix CCux CDlinux CensorNet CentOS Centrych Chakra Chinese 2000 Chitwanix CLE ClearOS Clonezilla Clusterix clusterKNOPPIX Cobind Co-Create College Comfusion Commodore Condorux Conectiva Connochaet Cool Core Corel CoreOS Coyote CPUBuilders CrunchBang CRUX CTKArch Damn Small DANIX DARKSTAR Debian Debris DebXPde Deepin Deep-Water Defender Definity DEFT DemoLinux Descent|OS DesktopBSD Devil DigAnTel Dizinha DNALinux DoudouLinux Draco DragonFly Dragora Dreamlinux DreamStudio DVL Dynasoft dyne:bolic Dzongkha Eadem Eagle eAR OS EasyPeasy easys Edubuntu eduKnoppix EduLinux Ehad Ekaaty Elastix eLearnix Element elementary Elive elpicx ELX Emmabuntüs Endian EnGarde Epidemic Eridani ERPOSS Estrella Roja ESUN ESware Euronode EvilEntity Evinux Evolve Exe Exherbo ExTiX EzPlanet One FaunOS Feather Featherweight Fedora Fermi Finnix FIRE Firefly Flash Flonix Fluxbuntu Foresight FoRK ForLEx FoX Desktop FreeBSD Freedows Freeduc Freeduc-Sup FreeNAS Freepia FreeSBIE Freespire Frenzy Frugalware FTOSX Fuduntu FuguIta Funtoo Fusion GeeXboX Gelecek GenieOS Gentoo GentooTH Gentoox GEOLivre GhostBSD Gibraltar Ging GnackTrack gNewSense GNIX GNOBSD Gnoppix gNOX GNUstep GoboLinux gOS GParted Grafpup Granular Greenie Grml Guadalinex GuLIC-BSD h3knix Haansoft Hacao Haiku Hakin9 Hancom HandyLinux Hanthana Happy Happy Mac Haydar Hedinux Helix Heretix Hikarunix HispaFuentes HKLPG Holon Honeywall How-Tux HP Secure Hubworx Hybryde Hymera iBox Icepack Ichthux IDMS Igelle Ignalum iMagic Imagineos Immunix Impi IndLinux Inquisitor INSERT Insigne IPCop IPFire iQunix JackLab JAMD JBLinux Jibbed JoLinux Joli OS Jollix Julex JUSIX K12Linux kademar Kaella KahelOS Kalango Kali KANOTIX KaOS Karamad Karoshi KateOS Kinneret Kiwi Klax Klikit KlusTriX kmLinux knopILS Knoppel Knopperdisk KNOPPIX Knoppix 64 KnoppiXMAME KnoSciences KolibriOS Komodo Kondara Kongoni Kore Korora KRUD Kubuntu Kuki Kurumin Kwheezy Kwort KXStudio LAMPPIX L.A.S. LASER5 LBA-Linux Leeenux Legacy LFS LG3D LGIS Liberté Libranet LIIS Linare Lineox LinEspa LinEx Linguas OS LinHES LinnexOS Linpus Linspire Linux4all LinuxBBQ LinuxConsole Linux-EduCD Linuxfx linuX-gamers Linuxin LinuxInstall Linux+ Live LINUXO LinuxPPC LinuxTLE Linux XP Linvo Liquid Lemur Lite Litrix LiveCD Router LiVux LLGP LliureX LNX-BBC Loco Lonix Lormalinux LPS LRs Lubuntu Luinux Luit Luminux Lunar LuninuX LXLE Lycoris m0n0wall Macpup Madbox Madeinlinux Mageia Magic MakuluLinux Mandows Mandriva Mangaka Manjaro Maryan Masonux Matriux MAX Mayix MCNLive Media Lab MeeGo MEPIS Merdeka MidnightBSD MIKO GNYO MilaX MiniNo MINIX Mint Miracle MirOS MIZI Moblin Mockup MoLinux Momonga Monomaxos Monoppix moonOS Morphix MoviX MSC.Linux MUMi Munjoy Muriqui Murix Musix Mutagenix Myah OS myLinux Myrinix Mythbuntu MythDora Nanolinux NAS4Free Nasgaïa Nature's Navyn OS Neat NeoShine NepaLinux Neptune NetBSD NethServer Netrunner NetSecL Netwosix Nexenta NexentaStor Niigata NimbleX Nitix N-iX NixOS Nonux NordisKnoppix Nova NST nUbuntu NuTyX NuxOne OEone OGo Knoppix Ojuba Olive OliveBSD OLPC Omoikane Onebase O-Net OpenBSD OpenELEC Openfiler OpenGEU OpenIndiana OpenLab OpenLX openmamba OpenMandriva OpenMediaVault OpenNA OpenSolaris openSUSE Openwall Open Xange Ophcrack Oracle Oralux Otakux Overclockix OzOs Oz Unity PAIPIX paldo PapugLinux Parabola Pardus Parsix Parslinux Parted Magic PC-BSD PCLinuxOS Peach OSI Peachtree Pear PelicanHPC Penguin Sleuth Pentoo Peppermint Pequelin pfSense Phaeronix Phayoune Phinx PHLAK PHP Sol PiBang Pidora Pie Box Pilot Pingo Pinguy Pingwinek Pioneer Pisi Plamo Plan-B PLD Plop Point Polar Bear PoliArch Porteus Porteus Kiosk Poseidon pQui Privatix Progeny Progex Project dEv Protech Proxmox P!tux Puppy Puredyne PureOS Q4OS QiLinux Qimo Qomo Quantian Qubes Quirky Rails Live Raspbian Raspbmc RAYS ReactOS Rebellin Red Flag Red Hat Redo Red Office redWall REMnux Resala Rescatux Resulinux RIPLinuX RISC Robolinux ROCK Rocks Cluster RoFreeSBIE ROOT ROSA ROSLIMS rPath Rubix RUNT Runtu Sabayon Sabily SalentOS SalineOS Salix Saluki Salvare SAMity Santa Fe Satux SaxenOS SchilliX Scientific SCI.Linux SCO Securepoint SELKS Semplice SENTINIX Sentry Firewall Shabdix SharkOS Shift siduction Simplicity Skolelinux Slackel Slackintosh Slackware Slamd64 SLAMPP Slavix Slax SliTaz Slix Slo-Tech SLYNUX SmartOS SmartPeer SME Server Smoothwall SMS SNAPPIX Snøfrix Snowlinux SoL Solaris SolusOS SolydXK Sonar Sophos Sorcerer Source Mage Soyombo SparkyLinux Spectra SphinxOS SprezzOS Springdale SquiggleOS Stampede StartCom StartOS STD SteamOS Stella Storm StressLinux STUX SuliX Sun JDS SuperGamer Super OS SuperRescue SuperX Suriyan SUSE Swecha Swift Syllable SymphonyOS SystemRescue T2 Tablix Tails TA-Linux Tanglu Tango Studio Tao Taprobane Tech TFM Thinstation Thisk Thiz Tilix Tiny Core TinyMe tinysofa Toorox Topologilinux Toutou TPM TrianceOS Trinity Trisquel trixbox Troppix TrueBSD Trustix Truva TrX Tugux TumiX TupiServer Tuquito Turbolinux Turkix TurnKey UberStudent Ubuntu Ubuntu Christian Ubuntu DP Ubuntu GNOME Ubuntu Kylin Ubuntu MATE Ubuntu Rescue Ubuntu Studio Ufficio Zero UHU-Linux U-lite Ulteo Ultima Ultimate Underground United Unity Univention Untangle uOS UPR Userful UserLinux UTUTO VAST Vector Venenux VideoLinux Vine Vinux Virtual ViruX VLOS VMKnoppix VNLinux Void Voltalinux Volumio Voodoo VortexBox Voyager Vyatta VyOS wattOS Wazobia Webconverger WHAX White Box WIENUX Wifislax WinBi WM Live Wolvix WOMP! WOW Xandros Xarnoppix X-Evian Xfld X/OS xPUD XStreamOS Xteam Xubuntu Yellow Dog YES Yoper Zen Zencafe ZENIX Zentyal Zenwalk ZerahStar Zeroshell Zeus ZevenOS ZoneCD Zopix Zorin Release: Month: Year: NEW • Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0, a new stable version of the world's largest Linux distribution, has been released: "After many months of constant development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 7.0. This new version of Debian includes various interesting features such as multiarch support, several specific tools to deploy private clouds, an improved installer, and a complete set of multimedia codecs and front-ends which remove the need for third-party repositories. Multiarch support, one of the main release goals for Wheezy, will allow Debian users to install packages from multiple architectures on the same machine. This means that you can now, for the first time, install both 32- and 64-bit software on the same machine and have all the relevant dependencies correctly resolved, automatically." Read the release announcement for basic information and check out the release notes for technical details. Download: debian-7.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso (3,813MB, SHA256, torrent). About Debian GNU/Linux The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common cause to create a free operating system. This operating system is called Debian GNU/Linux, or simply Debian for short. Debian systems currently use the Linux kernel. Linux is a completely free piece of software started by Linus Torvalds and supported by thousands of programmers worldwide. Of course, the thing that people want is application software: programs to help them get what they want to do done, from editing documents to running a business to playing games to writing more software. Debian comes with over 20,000 packages (precompiled software that is bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine) - all of it free. It's a bit like a tower. At the base is the kernel. On top of that are all the basic tools. Next is all the software that you run on the computer. At the top of the tower is Debian -- carefully organizing and fitting everything so it all works together. Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Debian GNU/Linux 6.0, code name "Squeeze", has been released: "After 24 months of constant development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 6.0 (code name 'Squeeze'). Debian 6.0 is a free operating system, coming for the first time in two flavours. Alongside Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is introduced with this version as a 'technology preview'. Debian 6.0 includes the KDE Plasma Desktop and Applications, the GNOME, Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments as well as all kinds of server applications. It also features compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.2 of the LSB. Debian runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between. A total of nine architectures are supported by Debian GNU/Linux." Read the release announcement and release notes for details. A total of 693 ISO images have been prepared for this release; here are the quick links for the first of the eight installation DVD images for the i386 and amd64 architectures (installable live CD/DVD images are available here): debian-6.0.0-i386-DVD-1.iso (4,475MB, SHA256, torrent), debian-6.0.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso (4,446MB, SHA256, torrent). Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Big day for the Debian fans - Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" has been released: "The Debian Project is pleased to announce the official release of Debian GNU/Linux version 5.0 (code-named 'Lenny') after 22 months of constant development. Debian GNU/Linux is a free operating system which supports a total of twelve processor architectures and includes the KDE, GNOME, Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments. This release includes numerous updated software packages, such as the K Desktop Environment 3.5.10, an updated version of the GNOME desktop environment 2.22.2, the Xfce 4.4.2 desktop environment, LXDE, the GNUstep desktop 7.3, X.Org 7.3, 2.4.1, GIMP 2.4.7...." See the release announcement and release notes for a detailed description of the release. As usual, a wide variety of installation media is available for free download from the project's mirror sites. For new installations, the "netinst" method of installing the distribution is probably the easiest; get the "netinst" images for i386 and x86_64 architectures from here: debian-500-i386-netinst.iso (150MB, MD5, torrent), debian-500-amd64-netinst.iso (131MB, MD5, torrent). Development Release: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 RC2 Otavio Salvador has announced the availability of the second release candidate of the Debian Installer for "Lenny", the upcoming release of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0. As usual, the installer comes with the complete set of Debian "Lenny" packages on CD, DVD and Blu-ray images. From the release announcement: "The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of the installer for Debian GNU/Linux 'Lenny'. Improvements: updated Linux kernel (2.6.26-13) and external modules (2.6.26-5); available modules for PATA devices on CD-ROM images; improved brltty device support; support firmware loading from USB devices in SPARC; improved support for encrypted partitions in rescue mode; fixed multi-arch CD - it no longer boots directly to the amd64 installer; updated installation guide with a re-added Spanish translation...." The most common way to install Debian "Lenny" is by using the "netinst" CD images, which can be downloaded from here: debian-Lenny-DI-rc2-i386-netinst.iso (150MB, MD5), debian-Lenny-DI-rc2-amd64-netinst.iso (131MB, MD5). Development Release: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 RC1 Strictly speaking, this is a release candidate for the Debian installer only, but since the release includes a full set of Debian "Lenny" CD and DVD images, it is perfectly suitable for testing the entire distribution. From the announcement: "The Debian Installer team is proud to announce the first release candidate of the installer for Debian GNU/Linux 'Lenny'. Improvements in this release: improved support for live CD installation media; support for some NAS devices based on Marvell's ARM-compatible Orion chip; installer images for Netwinder have been added again; installer images for i386 Xen guests; support for hardware speech synthesis has been added; upgrade of packages early in pkgsel, for example to get available security updates for base system packages; support for loading firmware from (removable) media during the installation...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Quick download links to the i386 and amd64 "netinst" CD images: debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso (150MB, MD5), debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso (132MB, MD5). Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r5 Alexander Reichle-Schmehl has announced the availability of the fifth revision of Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 "Etch", a security and critical bug-fix update of the project's current stable release: "The Debian project is pleased to announce the fifth update of its stable distribution Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (code name 'Etch'). This update mainly adds corrections for security problems to the stable release, along with a few adjustments to serious problems. Please note that this update does not constitute a new version of Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 but only updates some of the packages included. There is no need to throw away 4.0 CDs or DVDs but only to update via an up-to-date Debian mirror after an installation, to cause any out of date packages to be updated. Upgrading to this revision online is usually done by pointing the Aptitude (or APT) package tool to one of Debian's many FTP or HTTP mirrors." Read the full release announcement for a detailed list of changes and upgrade instructions. Distribution Release: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r4 The fourth update to Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 is available: "The Debian project is pleased to announce the fourth update of its stable distribution Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (codename etch). In addition to correcting several security problems and a few serious defects in the stable release, for the first time in Debian's history an update for a stable distribution also adds support for newer hardware by giving users the option to install newer drivers. Existing Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 installation CDs and DVDs can continue to be used to install this update. After installation, upgrading via an up-to-date Debian mirror will cause any out of date packages to be updated. However, users of the network-console installation method are strongly encouraged to update their media, see the "Debian Installer" portion of this announcement for more information. Those who install updates frequently from won't have to update many packages and most updates from are included in this update." Read the rest of the release announcement for a detailed list of all changes. As always, Debian stable revisions are available for download via Debian's Advanced Package Tool (APT); alternatively, full CD and DVD images will be provided within the next few days.
Debian -- The Universal Operating System
Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian provides more than a pure OS: it comes with over 37500 packages, precompiled software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation on your machine. Read more...
May 5, 2013.. Debian GNU/Linux 7.0, a new stable version of the world's largest Linux distribution, has been released: "After many months of constant ..